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On-Campus Resident Meal Plan Requirement

Applies to: Original Policy Date: Date of Last Review: Approved By: 

All residential students on Melbourne Campus

June 11, 2019 February 3, 2022

Dr. Marco Carvalho,
Executive Vice President and Provost

Policy Owner: Campus Dining

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish meal plan requirements for students who live on Melbourne campus.  This policy is based on research on college students nationally that suggests that students who live on campus and participate in campus dining are more satisfied with their college experience, earn higher grade point averages, and are more likely to graduate than their commuting peers.

Policy Scope

The policy applies to Florida Tech students who live in university housing. 

Policy Statement

  1. All students residing in university housing are required to participate in a residential meal plan. All first time in college students (in this context, one year or less after secondary school graduation) who are residing in university housing must participate in a meal plan designated for first-year students for their first two semesters.
  2. Students who are exempt from the university’s residency requirement but elect to live on campus are required to participate in a residential meal plan.
  3. Students residing in the Panther Bay Apartments or off-campus are not required to participate in a meal plan but may voluntarily choose to participate in any available residential or commuter meal plan.


Meal plan contracts are an academic year commitment; therefore, the student is required to participate in a meal plan for the full academic year. Meal plan benefits are granted and billed each semester. To comply with state sales tax regulations, meal plans have no residual cash value and unused benefits cannot be refunded.  

Campus Dining provides assistance with medically prescribed diets, dietary allergies and elective dietary preferences. Current meal plan terms and conditions, plan descriptions and pricing can be found at:


Not applicable

Compliance Reference

Not applicable


Students living in university housing are required to comply with this policy.

Campus Dining is responsible to assist students with their dietary requirements, communicate with students on the processes to complete meal plan contracts, and assist with meal plan changes when applicable. 


Students who violate this policy may be assigned a meal plan at the lowest rate for which the student is eligible


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